Molly Kubicek
"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant." - HoraceI have so much gratitude from that encounter with Jose Daniel. I am grateful for my training, and my ability to recognize a critical patient and remain calm enough to make a plan to help that patient, grateful Stephanie Ibemere was there along with Rabbi Abie to transport him, grateful the students got to see all of that, and grateful this beautiful little baby is getting the help he needs. Gracias a Dios!
"Be content to progress in slow steps until you have legs to run and wings with which to fly." - Padre Pio
Dr. Eric: “Be like a duck: be calm on the top, but paddle like hell on the bottom!”This quote exemplifies Dr. Eric very well. In his pharmacy in Guatemala he is very calm and has a great system that the pharmacy runs on. But at the same time he is “paddling hard as hell”; he is making sure each patient is receiving the appropriate medication, and takes his time to double check with the doctors. The pharmacy is never out of order and he makes sure that each student learns accordingly. - Gracias!
Dr. Lauri: “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger, women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”This quote describes Dr. Lauri so well; she exemplifies strength as a woman, a doctor, and as a mom. She has inspired me so much on this trip and I am so blessed to be in the presence of such powerful women. She says that the women in Pantanic are “kick ass females”; she in turn is a kick-ass female. She is an amazing doctor who shows others what it truly means to be women and men for others, and to cura personalis (to care for the whole person). - Gracias!
Nurse Stephanie: “Butterflies can’t see their wings, they can’t see how truly beautiful they are.”Nurse Stephanie: I don’t think she realizes how truly beautiful she is. Her soul is beautiful, her characteristics are beautiful; her passion for caring for others is beautiful. That is what makes her an incredible nurse. People like Stephanie are willing to beat someone up, in order to make sure patients like Jose Daniel receive proper healthcare. - Gracias!
Dr. Richard: “Do small things with great love.”Dr. Richard exams and teaches us students with great love. Everything he does while in the clinic comes from a place of love. He makes sure he has the time to educate us and allow us to gain hands-on experience. I now know why the past participants on this trip were very fond of Dr. Richard. He is an amazing doctor who is passionate about caring for patients. - Gracias!