Monday, March 7, 2016

Un Pequeña Amiga | A Little Friend

FINALLY IN GUATEMALA! It is my very first time being out of the country, and I am loving every second of it. Today was the first day of clinic! We woke up at 6 am sharp to eat breakfast at 6:30 am. This breakfast was amazing! I had handmade tortillas, refried black beans, eggs, fresh cantaloupe, fresh watermelon, and papaya juice. The fruit here is so delicious and juicy!

Today was a busy day, especially the morning. Right when we got to the clinic we had to unload all 36 suitcases. My role was setting up the prayer room. The prayer room was originally a midwife room with a treadmill and two assessment tables, so I was concerned about how I could make the room comfortable and sacred for prayer. I started with putting all the care packages filled with shampoo, toothpaste, soap, toothbrush, and a comb on one of the assessment tables. Unfortunately, a couple shampoo bottles decided to explode on the plane, so there was a bit of a mess, but it all worked out. I was assigned to shadow Dr. Lauri and take her patients to the prayer room after the appointment. It was amazing learning from someone as smart as Dr. Lauri. With each patient, she explained every little detail where it all made sense. I am so privileged to shadow her.

I made una amiga with a little girl. Her name was Hensis. This little girl has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. We blew bubbles together, colored, practiced brushing teeth, and ended the day with a big hug. The people here are so breath taking with their smiles and warm welcoming.
I am looking forward to the rest of this week and taking this all in for it has already been life changing.

Maria Hill
Xavier University 2018
Bachelors of Science in Nursing

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