So far, this trip has been overwhelmingly amazing.
This whole year, up until now, we have been working tirelessly to make this a reality. At that time the thought of being here was so surreal, but now that we are here, I personally feel as though I’m on cloud nine.
I had high expectations from everything that I have heard, but so far, the experiences have far exceeded the expectations.
The land around us is so refreshing. Everything around us is so colorful. The people are so kind. I just cannot put it into words.
One thing that I truly appreciate and am thankful for is our team. We have established a bond where we are all just so comfortable with one another. A group that can function together is important for a trip like this. It gives us room to really focus on what we are here for.
The clinic experience has been absolutely amazing. Working with the patients and the children that stop by are wonderful. They approach us with smiles on their face, ready to run through the course of treatment.
The interfaith aspect of this trip has not been overlooked. We visited the ancient Mayan ruins of Iximche (ish-im-chee). WOW! Was this an experience. The land of Iximche is so rich with history. After touring this land, it made me realize how superficial our modern day society is. We learned about the faith and traditions of the people of this ancient time and it was a truly awesome experience.
It has only been two days and my expectations have been exceeded. I can’t even imagine what’s coming up next.

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