Sunday, March 11, 2018


After landing at the airport, many emotions, ideas, people, and phrases have resonated with me. The first being the phrase, "Bienvenidos!" This phrase, meaning “Welcome!” was one I was unfamiliar with prior to arriving in Guatemala. I saw it on a billboard as I peered out of the bus window on the way to set up the clinic and asked some of the more fluent Spanish speaking teammates the meaning and pronunciation. It took me a long time to master the pronunciation, but, at that moment, the term could not more accurately describe my emotions. I felt warmed, not only by the sun, but from the beautiful people surrounding me; both those part of the team and those we were meeting in this new incredible place. The people of Guatemala embody a welcoming atmosphere full of an infectious joy.

Looking past the initial welcomes towards the medical service for the week, I recognize and am  intimidated by the immense tasks before us: providing medical care to people who may never had access to such care in the past, educating young children about proper dental care, filling prescriptions, and we are also striving to provide more than physical care. We will be holding hands with each other and our patients in prayer, solidarity, and love. In addition, we hope to instill a type of power that does not diminish, but empowers the people of this country. Together in partnership with the people of Guatemala we can try to repair the world and humanity a little bit and hopefully learn from each other along the way. I think that is one of things I am most excited about for the rest of the trip; building those relationships, connections, partnerships, and meaningful interactions with our patients because that is what will last when we leave. Hopefully, one day those connections and partnerships built together result in a prosperous, empowered, and self-sustaining community.

Shannon Cunningham

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